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Flood Barrier & Ancillary Items Options
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- Flood Barrier & ancillary items Solutions
Wet & Dry Flood Proofing Solutions for properties & communities
Looking for products to protect your home, business or community?
This page will inform you of the numerous product options available to protect your most precious assets.
At the foot of the page is a chart that compares flood barrier options against different flood types. Choosing the product to suit you. your home and the flood type are essential tools I can guide you through. It’s not always about your budget but installing the right product for the job will save you time and money in the long term.
Perimeter Barriers - Temporary
Rapid deployment flood barriers to protect detached properties, critical infrastructure, factories, warehouses, and communities. So much better than sandbags
Perimeter Barriers - Temporary & Demountable
These barriers require a small amount of pre-installed structure to secure them in place.
Passive Barriers in-situ
Activated by the incoming flood water so you are guaranteed the barriers will deploy and save your property
Automatic Barriers in-situ
Automatic flood barriers are activated by the flood water but require a power supply to drive them closed. Make sure this power supply is uninterruptible.
Property Level Barriers
A range of manually deployed barriers to protect any property type from slow rising flood waters. Cost effective, but not suitable for flash flooding.
Flood Glass Walls & Windows
Flood windows and walls are passive systems that are always ready to protect from rising flood water and debris impact, whilst maintaining the view.
Smart Vent
Ideal for Queenslander homes. Allows the floodwater to pass through the property safely.
Below, follows a range of flood barrier types ranging from manual and passive through to automatic, and normally closed. These are all summarized in the matrix at the foot of the page, along with a number of use cases.
In amongst these flood barriers are a range of important ancillary devices such as non-return valves (NRVs), and pumps that are essential for managing sewer backflow and the seepage or overtopping of the flood barriers, in extreme events.
Passive Horizontal rising barriers

Top of underground parking

Commercial setting

Raised for cleaning & inspection
Passive Vertical Rising Barriers

Resting Position
In non-flood conditions, all operational parts of the barrier are concealed in the underground basin.

When floodwater rises to within a predetermined level below flood level, the basin housing the floating wall starts to fill up through an inlet pipe from the adjacent service pit.

Fully Deployed
The flood wall floats and rises. When the basin is totally filled, the angled support block will lock the barrier into position making it watertight.
Ancillary products

Sump Pump, internal

Main Sewer NRV

110mm In-Line NRV into new Chamber

22mm NRV

Push-fit NRV

110mm Push fit NRV into Existing Chamber

Non-Return Valves (NRV’s)

40mm NRV (Vertical)

Waste non-return valve
Glass flood walls

Flood proof Windows

Property Level, Manual

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Enclosures & Flood Gates