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Flood Protection as a Service
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- FPaaS (Flood Protection-as-a-Service)
Why buy flood barriers when you can hire them?
- Choose your FPaaS subscription plan
- Select your barrier(s) from a centrally held resource
- Agree your “trigger point”
- Work with your chosen deployment partner
- Wrap up, clean, dry and return to storage

FPaaS (Flood Protection-as-a-Service)
The problem/challenge
- (Severe) flooding is becoming more prevalent Budgets are being squeezed
- Capital schemes can take up to 6 years with planning, consents & installation
- Rural communities often fail the cost: benefit ratio
- There are more schemes required than available money
FPaaS – Time for a Rethink!
The SES in rural Australia is largely volunteers and runs separate to fire & rescue (CFA?)
State budgets are tight
Purchased equipment is not needed everywhere at the same time
Purchased equipment spends most of its life in storage
- So, why buy – why not hire the products with a deployment service?
- Lease purchase for equipment – as a shared resource
- Budget moves from CapEx to OpEx

FPaaS Delivery Model*
*various plans available depending on risk appetite
- Low recurring fee with high call out $
- High recuring fee, low $ call out with priority service
- Et al
- Survey all locations – walk the flood defence line
- Decide on suitable products, based on footprint, height, available resource
- Choose installation partner(s) and train them
- Install flood sensors or sign up to alerts
- Decide on trigger point(s)…
Design and Planning
Service level agreement
Fixed term contract
Preparations inc. training
Readiness (stand-by)
Call out
Temporary & Demountables
- Used where funding for permanent solutions is not secured or justified (cost/benefit ratio)
- Needs pre-installed footings
- Can go high & very long (kms)
- Requires alert to decide to deploy
- Needs lots of personnel
- Needs security 24/7

Water filled Flood Barriers
They need a lot of water to fill them, but they can be stacked high and run for many kilometres to help protect communities and homes from rising flood waters.

Frame Type Flood Barriers
Frame barriers are easy and quick to install from single spans of 1 or 2m up to many kilometres. The barriers range in height from 750mm to 2.4m and have custom corner and angle units to cope with most deployment scenarios.
Choosing flood barriers that have been accredited to an independent test scheme such as BS851188 or FM2510, will provide users with added confidence of their performance in the most severes floods.